Monday, July 1, 2024

The Future of Euthanasia

Currently, euthanasia is heavily restricted to mostly terminally ill. There seems to be a moral issue with assisting somebody with suicide, unless they aren't already immediately dying. 

However as soon you consider that man might one day achieve immortality, almost all the arguments for euthanasia break down. It brings into question, how long MUST a human live before it is "OK" not only by legal standards, but by societal judgment standards to die? The hypocrisy of being able to risk ones own life so long as one dies in a way "useful" to society (dying in the line of fire), or generally slowly killing yourself via cigarettes or alcohol, or even risking your life having dangerous hobbies.

Mostly, I think it's fear that holds back legalization of full Euthanasia. The government probably fears that citizens will kill themselves and that might damage their own economy/stability, aside from that people are probably scared of people they know killing themselves. Scared because if it was really so easy for people to have access to euthanasia services we might actually have to start focusing on human happiness instead of productivity, advancement, or economic power.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Time before existence?

There can be no time before existence because time is relative to its existence. Without existence defining time, it has no properties. That which has no properties is nothing, nonexistent.

The non-existent cant exist, there is no time before existence, there is nothing before existence, and nothing cannot exist and never was. There is only everything.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

A Simplified Theory of Consciousness

I have a theory of what Consciousness is which I based off a bunch of logic based arguments and analysis. It's complicated and one day I hope to put the whole thing on here but for now here's a simple version of it did I wrote in response to somebody's topic on online and decided to also put here.

All life has an awareness, even if it is a basic function like a reaction to a stimuli or that there is food that needs to be processed into energy. More complicated life is simply a larger amalgamation of reactions/awareness. If you're willing to break it down further then you can say that the universe is aware in itself that there are reactions on most basic levels like between chemicals and protons and electrons.

The fact that physics works universally supposes that there is a universal order, and in order for there to be an order there needs to be something which recognizes that order. For example, you can run computer code on a computer because the computer recognizes the order, but you cannot run computer code on a piece of paper because there is no mechanism that recognizes the order and so it has no meaning and as such no functionality.

The logical assumption made is that consciousness is not an emergent property, but is an evolution (of an ever more complex combination) of pre-existing variables just like everything else in this universe.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Love/Hate Relation

I remember watching the anime "Naruto". There were two rival clans and a boy from each just so happen to become friends and rivals. Of course the views differed the yin and yan relationship ship. One of them, had a dream about how he would achieve peace and the other had his own. Both methods had it's merits of course one is preferred over the other and the other is the enemy. Because these two men grew up together as friends and rivals despite the fact that they were enemies the one seen as the good one still had respect for him as he understood his past and the circumstances. 

The "bad" one descended from a clan who had ocular power and the other had their own body enhancement doesn't go too much into depth of what it is. They both clans different in their methods with the Uchiha, having a bit of a darker and blood stained past.  Suffice to say they do not have the best track record and so there is an assumption that because he is from that clan it is to be expected that he also embodies all these negative traits of his clans past.

I believe one of them refers to his clan as a clan filled with hatred. Though his rival's brother interjects and says that that is not true, that out of all the clans the Uchiha are in fact the ones with the greatest love. That the very reason that the clan seems so hateful because their love is so strong that when tragedy strikes the rage and the hates is that much stronger as well. That the potential on one side is the potential on the other. Same side of the same coin, the tree that reaches into heaven must be rooted in hell type of analogy.

It makes sense in a way if you do not care much about something when it is taken away you do not get all that angry. The greater the love that is taken away the more pain the more of the flip side that will in turn produce. I'm not sure if it's from the same show but I've also heard that hate is love when it is not reciprocated. It's an interesting thought, the fact that all the hate in the world could possibly just be love that went wrong.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

There is no "individual freewill"

There is no "freewill" as people currently claim there is. There is ONE freewill and that is the freewill of all existence, call it God's will if it helps.

The reason is that you did not freely choose who you would be born as, and as a baby you are basically a baby robot. Your genetics offer you the same type of basic programming you find in brand new ai ready to learn. However it is not YOUR choice on what you get to learn, it is your environment which teaches/programs you. 

Consider the self driving vehicles currently in  development. They utilize machine learning, and while they did have to program the basics of it (just like genetics) much of its growth came from machine learning. Of course the programers interject when it makes a mistake, but that doesn't mean it was NECESSARY to do so. Alternatively you could program it to recognize mistakes and slowly correct itself, however that would be costly and dangerous and that is the reason they intervene. If they did not however, the process would be much like our genetic evolution slowly improving upon itself. 

So the question then becomes, if AI does not have freewill, and an AI can be made to drive a vehicle then a driver who is driving safely and correct also does not have freewill. Driving however is much like life, there are rules and expections that we were taught and follow because we are a society. 

Here's what I think about individual freewill. First off you will never completely have freewill until you have the Godlike power to do anything. As people we react to the life we experience while weighing it against previous experiences and thus calculate our reaction. The only reason we are so cocky that we have freewill is that we cannot see how our programming operates in real time. Our will, will always be an influenced and dictated by outside actions so long as the outside environment is out of our control, therefore our will is not ours alone, but our will is a point in what makes up the larger collective will of endless action and reaction.

This isn't a bad thing necessarily, as a matter a fact I think it is a much needed thing to recognize that we share in a greater collective will. Too much importance has been placed on the recognition of our  individual selves and will, that our collective identity and the effects that we have on each other is ignored. Sure there may be laws we can pass to maybe minimize the damage of a school shooter, sure you can kill or arrest a school shooter, but nothing prevents the lives of those children being taken like taking responsibility as a people. Whether you were involved directly in their lives or not it should at the very least be a reminder to try to be good people and the consequences of our actions no matter how small  they are may have. Though as it stands it seems like people dont really care anyway.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

You want to know your destiny?

 Life is Predetermined. This article I'm writing is too. I don't know exactly how it will be written,but before i write every sentence, there exists the general direction it was always meant to go, but at present i am writing it. On a grander scale i was always meant to write this article, my life was already headed in this direction. Its like playing a video game, sure you have full control but you always will follow the story which isn't anything new, but only appears new to you.

Pi (π) was eventually discovered, but pi was always going to be 3.14 (etc). Every digit afterwards is only new to us because we have not calculated it, but every digit was always going to be that digit. No matter how random or unpredictable it appears to us, it was predestined to be.

Once you know predestined, you could say it doesn't matter what you do. That's correct, it doesn't. However no matter what you do , you were always going to choose those options. You were always going to lose those friends, you were always going to get that promotion. Freewill is an illusion, all movies were premade before you saw them.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Paradox Existence

 Everything can be described in mathematics, but that doesnt mean everything is mathematics...well ultimately it will depend how you look at it. The mathematics appears to be the "programming language" of existence, which we in turn used to create computer, code and videogames.

A video game reality can be very much like our reality, a video game does not look anything like the code that's running in the background just like our reality doesn't look like anything like the math that's going on in the background. Video game code and mathematics are the same thing only that with video game code we were able to create our formulas for our own sub-realities and mathematics is the code already defined in ours (e.g. a² + b² = c²).

Although binary code doesn't have the numbers 2-9 that we use in mathematics, all numbers greater than 0 are a multiple of 1. Although we reason with numbers like 2-9 our brains are still binary. The signals that get sent in our brain are either sent or not sent, either 1 or 0, which represents whether something is or isn't.

This is where the paradox comes in. At the most basic form you have a one and a 0 what is and what is not. It would seem to be the ultimate answer the smallest quantity which we can break something down. But one and zero are just two possibilities for the answer to reality= x. In our reality x equals both 1 and 0 which, yet there is only one reality which is why i said I ultimately we live in a paradox existence.

A paradox is just a logical loop, and you cant solve a logical loop with mathematics, in the same way you'll never define pie and completion. But in video games we use logical loops because the mathematics and variables are in constant change, if the math is solved that's the end. The way we simulate time in a video game is by using a logical loop and a paradox is just a logical loop without time. Which is why x equals both 1 and 0 because it is one or zero at different times, which is basically binary (10110101....etc) and at this point you can see the infinite loop.