Sunday, December 26, 2021


 Nothing does not exist. But if we were to say for the sake of example that nothing exists, nothing would exist for 0 seconds. Consider that there's still the rest of time left and nothing has existed for 0 seconds and cannot exist any further than that. This leaves only one possibility, something MUST exist. Time does not tick until something exists. 

So now that we know that there must be something you have to consider what is the difference between nothing and something? For something to exist you must have awareness of it. If you were describe the attributes of nothing it is pretty much unobservable and without effects. Thus even if there hypothetically was something if it is unobservable and has no effect on anything then really it's nothing. So we also know that you need awareness for something to exist and to begin to have properties.

Reality is already aware at its most basic form we already know that you need to be aware of something, for something to exist, and this awareness could be extremely basic like the zeros and ones of computer code. 0 & 1 are just two numbers and they represent the most basic form of a change in state. 

And at this point, well things have gotten more complex and they also have not. They are just the same thing to a higher degree. Like every number after 1 is just more 1s all Evolution after this point is just a different combination of the most basic elements of existence. Consciousness would be no different. Consciousness would just be the evolution of this most basic universal awareness that has always been. Just like matter is more complicated forms of previous matter, so has awareness evolved into complex consciousness, because that's what being conscious is really, simply being aware.

What "basic" awareness you might ask? It might be difficult to imagine but, the mathematics and rules of the universe must be self-aware in order to work. A collision between two solid objects must be universally aware that two objects collide because otherwise they would phase through each other. However this awareness is not often thought to be "awareness" because it is physically manifested and we see it as a physical collision, but physical reality is just physics made manifest. In putting the same physics in a computer however, you would see realize that the simulation of these physics reveals that there was in fact an awareness needed for these computations to run. However if you were to go inside the simulation, you would not realize that the physics around you are aware of themselves, and you would simply see them as happening based on physical interactions. Our universe is no different.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

We are all the same being and have lived or will live, each others life.

There are quiet a few things that point to the conclusion that we are all technically the same exact being, in different bodies. That might seem like a ridiculous idea because you are living as yourself now so these other people walking around cannot be you. However we only believe this because a person percieves time in this way because we are living beings and each living thing percieves their own progressing lifetime. However existence itself does not have this limitation, we even know that time travel is possible, time is only a boundary for us.

Consider the popular occult symbol of "The tree of life" (usually Just a giant tree inside a circle). It is not called the tree of lives, it is the singular "life" because life was an emergent property. The tree is a good example because you could think of us (life) as the many branches of the tree. We would each be like a "branch" completely separate from another branch each bearing our own fruits and generally unaffected by the other because if one branch gets cut off it does not matter to the rest of the branches. Yet, while every branch is off doing its own thing, they are all technically the same singular tree. In this case the tree of life is timeless, existing as the entire tree (all of life) but the branches as individuals experience the individual life which requires a lifetime to experience. Though in the end every branch is the same life, we are not actually separate.

However just because different lives are happening at the same time doesn't mean we wont experience those lives. A timeless existence unbound by time means that all of it exists and has already happened within a likely infinite moment. This is pretty difficult to explain however just think about the "moment" you are living now. How small is that moment your living? It is impossible to determine because it is infinitesimal (would get Infinitely smaller), in a sense the infinite moment would be the opposite side of the moment you are experience (it would be a moment infinitely expensive).

So why does this mean we will live every life? Well an infinite existence is like an infinite game. Seen from this unlimited perspective it would be like i gave you a cd that contained the infinite game of existence. However the process of existing is like playing the game. In a video game we see multiple characters performing many different tasks all at once in "real time" just like we observe in life. Consider however, how exactly is theres many different AI's moving around on screen thinking individually, yet you only have 1 console or computer. There is only 1 computer or console and even if you have multiple ones, it all appears on 1 screen, through 1 wire connecting the the 1 tv in which all the many individual AI's get displayed as 1 image. Its an illusion. The reality is, there is only 1 game processing all the characters and every character must be calculated by the same system that processed everything else. The game is the AI, the AI characters just branch out from the game.

Its a difficult thing to wrap our heads around, but there is one more thing to consider from a slightly more religious aspect this time. An Almighty God with power over everything is therefore also everything. In the same way that I have control of every part of my body, but my body is not what I technically am. Thus we could consider ourselves to be be made in the image of God. All being expressed from God it would be no surprise to find God in his creation.

What does this mean in the end? Personally I'd say its the best and worst thing for us. The up/down side is that everything is completely fair and balanced, and perfect karma is a reality. Quite literally, every good/bad thing you have ever done to another is guaranteed to come back to you because you have either lived or will live as the person you've hurt or made happy. All the bad/good in y/our life is in fact, because or y/our actions and the fruits every branch bore from the same tree of life. Holy is taken from the word Whole, Divine contains Divi like Division. Many religions and occult beliefs hint at this same central idea, apart from the tree of life, the ouroboros being another popular symbol. Its an idea that is both compatible and possible scientifically, logically, and religiously. Something to consider.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Why Time Flies When You're Having Fun

 In videogame programming you eventually run across the topic of "threads". When you play a video game, everything appears to be happening at once, but it actually isn't. Technically everything is happening one thing at a time. For example, you see 4 people walking away from each other at the same time, what actually happens is the code will alternate between person 1,2,3 & 4 and move them each a small amount, then once all the calculations complete it updates the screen with a new "frame" of what it looks like after all 4 players moved at the same. You can only read one book at a time, computer code is executed just like you read a book, and is limited for those same reasons except it does it incredibly fast. Even the picture on the monitor technically doesn't display all at once, however its done so quickly we cant notice.

However when you try to process more information than the hardware can handle, you essentially get lag. In a video game things get choppy. You still get real time information shown to you every frame but it can begin to look like a slideshow. What I propose is that the perception of time, is actually a form of lag for our minds. 

The lag i propose however would not be in the same way it happens on a computer as we would not get visual lag.  However with computers you can sacrifice other processes in order to devote more to a particular task, I believe the mind is doing the same thing based on some things.

First the passage of time is almost non-existent when we sleep, I think this is a clear indicator that it has something to do with whether you are conscious/aware or not. 

Second its is known that time goes by slow when you are bored, and faster when you are having fun. However fun is not the only case the speeds up time, as being extremely busy can make you "loose track of the time”. In the case of being busy your mind must dedicate itself to many different tasks, in the case of fun you are hyper aware of what you enjoy. The reasoning behind hyper awareness is that if you listen to 2 lectures, the one that bores you will drag on and you will remember less of it. Yet the one you like will go by much quicker as you dedicated more resources to this one man speaking. The difference between paying attention and someone who has your full attention.

As to the time illusion itself, it is not only our visual, audible, or any one thing in particular that makes up our conscious experience. However our "internal clock"  calculates the passage of time likely involves many things and if your mental awareness of time were to "lag" because it is waiting to be updated, you essentially get an effect that is like game lag where several frames are missing in between, except what happens visually for a game is happening mentally to your perception of time. Lag also doesn't necessarily mean the game time slows down it just updates you less and are therefore less aware. In similar fashion, the audio in a video game can play flawlessly while the framerate goes down showing you less, yet the frames you are shown are perfectly in sync with the audio. Lastly when you are bored or doing something mundane like staring at a clock, you free up resources for everything else your internal sense of time need to be updated so you now are aware of every bit of time and thus there appears to be more of it

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Poor Big Business Suffering From A Chip Shortage... Right?

 Oh bummer, more shortges. I really do wonder, with the whole job strikes, the economy "barely getting by" of stimulus and unemployment checks, then there's they jobs effected by the lack of supply flow. So who the hell keeps buying all the chips then? Where is all this money come from.

 I i cant help but be reminded of the depressions we have and how profitable depression when people foreclose everywhere and l then comes the financial harvests.

So far it seems like  big money is in for a struggle. Yet gosh darn it, a shortage of chips because people are out buying the best for some reason. *Unfortunately* that means less chips, not necessarily less chips sold, just less chips, and it might even come at an increased cost. 

You can realistically sell a product tor ten times its worth (not even exaggerating) and buying a product at $10 from a foreign country and reselling it for $100 returns 1,000 - 100 for my initial investments $900. However let's say there was if there was a 10% I hike in price for example due to something like a shortage. It couldn't essentially cover my initial investment and almost like I'd be getting these products for free compared to the previous rates I had before. To be fair though if there is a shortage that means that probably have to negotiate a better price with the manufacturer. The manufacture might get so bold as to ask for a dollar more per product the other company is paying $0.50 more. So of course the company also had to pay 10% more for their products 

Which means they they might not actually get their full investment covered and will still have to pay a dollar instead of nothing at all...darn.

There's a shortage of supply there's no shortage in demand however. Before chips shortages were a thing all these companies really had were perhaps a chip excess. This is kind of convenient not having to worry about having too much product. Sure factories are shutting down meaning because they have to do less work to get the same amount of money and there might be a shortage even if they are selling less but making more per sale. 

There is a part of it people actually kind of like too. Some people are actually getting rich by scalping, not the most dignified way but squabbling  of the people is not a company issue. Still now there are some stories of poor getting rich, though its off of the other poor, but still looks like balancing and change and with with covid being behind all this, it almost feels lime divine judgement has finally come for big  business.

Just look at the news they must be struggling. Shortages and shutdowns sounds/looks a lot like something poor people have experienced before. A shortage of money and having vacate their properties... Only difference is one was caused by covid abd the other cause because an actual lack of money and foreclosures. Surely this time is different though they are suffering like everyone else.... Just like they were during the depressions ... right?

Friday, July 9, 2021

Responsible Journalism : A Reminder Of Who's Responsible For All The Stuff You See On The News

I recently saw a forum post titled "Black Woman Trashes Entire Asian Owned Liquor Store Over A Phone Call”

I asked myself why do I need to know this information?

Perhaps for entertainment? Perhaps it would be interesting to know that a someone trashed an entire liquor store over a phone call, kind of like a fun fact I don't know.

I do wonder however what value was just now lost because I exclude racial and gender identifiers. Has it become less important or less interesting? 

Am I being told this information so I can build psychological profiles and be prepared the next time I see a black woman on her phone in an asian liquor store. Are these flags that I should be looking for?  If a black woman is having a call would it be safer for her to have this call in a Mexican liquor store? Or what if she had the call in a white record store? What then It is a complete unknown. Are there certain formulas which are just dangerous? Can a white man sending a text at a arab liquor store =  a murder? Or what if what if an drunk asian walks into a cell phone store that is black owned?

It doesn't seem like this racial or gender information has any actual use, They don't mean anything. We're being given meaningless information, offered up to a random crowd to define them as they see fit. Responsible journalism.

Originally I was thinking about news organizations, how they should be more responsible. Then I clicked to the link to the actual article and the article was titled "Nasty Woman Trashes Entire Asian Owned Liquor Store Over A Phone Call". It's kind of funny, for a second I thought they were trying to be responsible, Then I realized that they never once in the article mentioned the woman's race however they did mention the race of the liquor store (or their owners). Nothing's really changed It's just that with BLM being so recently a newsworthy event, perhaps the author has seen it on TV, and soaked up only the most basic information. So perhaps he knew to exclude black racial indicators but not asians. The problem is we don't watch TV like we study material in school, even when presented with the information, realistically we can't be expected to absorb it all correctly. Moving on.

Still I thought of the person on the forum, who gave all the identifiers. Then the news article itself who was only partially conscious, and then I saw how none of it mattered because in the middle of the news article was a video filmed by a random person we had every little detail in it. However one irresponsible thing the news article did say, is that lady looked like she might have been high on meth, which would only serve to worsen the public image on... well whatever associations available to them to build these images on.

It would have been easy If I could play corporate news organizations for all this, Then at least his problem could have been more easily contained. However in this day and age everyone's a news organization. It's long since overdue for everyone to take responsibility for what everyone is a part of. We are sure to be proud as a nation of how far HUMANITY has come when one person accomplished something and call it OUR achievements. We are united in our successes, but in our failures, we make sure to specifically credit the failed individuals. Clearly there is an imbalance and we should fix it simply because what it represents. We're all part of the news industry, so we're all part of the news we see, we actually represent it.

It's the little things in life, often go unnoticed, that end up mattering most in the end

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

You Cannot Be Rich & A Good Person

I myself have done done a bit of business, importing from china and selling here in the US and the premise is simple. I would buy the product in bulk at 4$ then at 40$ dollars, subtracting the distributors cut, cost of advertising, shipping, I would left with a profit of around 25 dollars. Now I did do some work myself such as the original packaging, set up the business infrastructure I did all the marketing and I took the initial risk in investing my own money as there is no guarantee it would sell. So during the initial investment I do feel that the amount of work I put in justified my profit.

However my next investment was not the same thing, I already set the business up, I already knew how much to expect in conjunction to how much I would spend on advertising and I am never guaranteed to make the same or have the same success, but it doesn't matter, it's simply a numbers game of averages, I don't require a guarantee, only requires you to not be completely reckless and it is as good as any guarantee.  My profits will continue to return 5x the amount I'd invest and I would continue to pay the people in china 4$. The work I would do from here on out is barely anything, So does that justify the amount of money I'm making, considering I already set up a business and the risk was no longer even existent? Honestly no, I really don't think so.

However this did not continue, and there's a reason why. I had been sent a letter from Amazon that said they were no longer going to be selling my product because there was a claim by another company that I have been selling their product. A claim which was false, but the distributor (Amazon) is a billion dollar company so they would not risk any entanglement and their own company. This happened really close to Christmas season which every seller would know this is where you make the most money. Now I could pursue legal action and go through this giant process with the company who just made a false claim, That would cost me money to ultimately rectify. Not only that but that meant I could potentially do this to my competition, and I have to continue business knowing that this would always be a thing, It is very much dog eat dog. Now I could have continued and honestly, Im sure I could have done very well but this wasn't the only reason that I stopped doing it.

Even when selling the products I noticed that my competition would blatantly lie about the products. Since we were all getting it from the same source pretty much I knew the true specifications of these products we were selling. I was selling stun guns and they would have a power rating based on voltage. The reality is that a stun gun is realistically putting out maybe 100,000 volts However when testing these stun guns there is the possibility that you might get a sudden spike in voltage and it could reach potentially in the millions. This spike in voltage is "technically"  measured, thus you could technically say that the voltage output was measured at 4 million. Now for me this was difficult because my competition was saying that their stun guns were 250 million volts and the consumers would buy the stun gun that was advertised as the most powerful, and neither were they aware that these people were lying or the truth of how these measurements are made. The way I managed to succeed was simply by because I understand human psychology enough and took an educated bet. I sold my products as more expensive than my competition and I made sure to give the most appealing presentation. I bet on a few things, I knew that when people see more expensive things they automatically assume that it's better quality, I also knew based on my experience from buying headphones, I never go through the warranty process they give out and simply end up buying new ones and realistically any warranty or insurance on anything is only profitable because in the end the customers are losing money and it's technically never to the customer's benefit in the long run. So I also offered a lifetime warranty on the product to further convince the buyer that mine was of greater quality.

I was right and managed to succeed without blatantly lying, however as to not be completely overshadowed by my competition I still put the 4 million volt measurement given to me officially by Chinese sellers. Compared to my competition you could say I did not lie based on all the information I was given, However I also knew that this 4 million rating was most likely a technicality.  

In the end all business preys on human psychology and exploits our weaknesses. I already had felt uncomfortable going down this business road with the things I was required to do to succeed. Now with the whole lawsuit thing the future I had to look forward to as a business owner started to look a bit bleak, I would have to continue taking advantage of people, bending the rules, and playing this stupid game of trying to take down my competitors of shady ways.

When I began the business I envisioned a business I could be proud of and the picture that was being painted and the type of person I would have to be wasn't very appealing aside from the money I would be making. Honestly It kinda killed my ambition and momentum I had so I just continued to sell my remaining inventory and let it fade away.

However there are things like creating something like a song, and the song later selling millions of copies. In this case you would have made your millions without using any backhanded tactics to make this money and it's legitimate, but then the question becomes how wealth does one need to be really? 

When there are people dying of starvation, and people just living crappy lives because of wage difference what is the purpose of a Ferrari when we currently live in that world? The plan was that even if I did make enough money I would reinvest the excess money that I had into improving the state of world somehow. That really I only needed enough money to be able to live nice and you know buy a house buy a car and maybe the occasional vacation. However why on earth would I need a multi-million dollar house or a quarter million dollar car, when was that money I could literally have prevented people from dying or enabled a better future for them. Really the only reason we don't see this as a reality in our daily lives, It's because the same people who are so good at selling you the products that you buy everyday, are the same people who sold us the idea of the current world and to be content with it, and they are very good at it. The reality is actually outrageous. It's cooler to be the guy with the ferrari, then it is to buy a standard 30k car and save actual lives.

Interestingly enough superheroes are cool, But apparently it's not because they save lives, power is cool. We don't live in a society that values lives, we value power over people. Even some of the most noble sounding things that we fight for are really more the love of power than the love of people, when I mention this topic on more popular spaces like reddit people rarely seem to read it first off, but even when they do its rarely taken seriously by the common folk or sabotaged by the rich who know damn well what they are doing and try to put a spin on it to making it seem like the pittance we pay overseas is a good thing and negate all the good that I'm trying to do with this topic because people are easily sold on things and manipulated since our youth. Even so I'm trying to to a good service to humanity, I am limited by the potential good I am able to do, because of the ideas we've been sold on that hurts us as a people we currently buy into. I have to sell the idea of humanity carefully In the same way its taken away.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Slavery May Have Defined America More Than I Had Realized Before.

 While I won't blame innocent generations of white people for the misdeeds of their ancestors, slavery did have a significant impact leading to where the generations of whites/blacks are now. Slavery ended in 1865 meaning it's only been 156 YEARS SINCE SLAVERY ENDED.

That's pretty recent and while its true that things have gotten better, niether did it suddenly get better as soon as slavery was abolished. Slavery began in 1619 and lasted 246 years meaning that historically, THEY HAVE BEEN SLAVES IN AMERICA LONGER THAT THEY HAVE BEEN FREE.

Unfortunately, it seems highly likely that previous generations of American slavery are one of the major reasons behind the prosperity divide between Black/White Americans and why the Black people ended up developing more and more ghettos whereas white people prospered reinvesting their fortunes already amassed through slavery and up until recently I hadn't really put it into perspective.

White Americans had a 246 year headstart during which Black Americans were slaves and provided free labor (excluding cost of living) Then after a 246 year & very profitable years Black Americans finally began building themselves up, yet the following 156 years Blacks/Whites had to further their communities, for Black Americans a lot of those years were hampered due to racial inequality issues (MLK's "I have a dream" was in 1963).

Compared to the gimped 156 years Black Americans had, White Americans have had a total of 401 years to build their communities during which time they had full civil liberties and opportunities and 246 of those were the slave years.

This was a huge economical advantage that White Americans had over Blacks and both races are where they are today because of slavery.

There is a thought that bothers me now. This has not necessarily changed. Things like immigration while not as terrible as slaves, borders and current views on immigrant still creates a system where there are a group of people who we can take advantage of, a minority group which exists due for another social injustice (immigration laws) that in the future our generation will seem ignorant for.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Creating Order From Chaos

In the midst of thinking about how chaos comes from order I attempted to create a number sequence that would appear random but have inherent order. It is interesting that numbers by themselves are just numbers, however in this case the pattern is establish through my paternity because I created order. Which leads me to the question, If there is order in the universe, does not the universe need awareness/consciousness to observe order so that order can be is maintained?

Anyway here is the magical number I have formed.


Chaotic, but in this case it may appear less so because it's isolated and we know there's something about it


Paired into double digits, there is a multiple of a 8 with 4 digit numbers in between.


Adding each digit of the 2 digit multiples of 8 pairings reveals a pattern 8,7,6,5,4

(08) 0+0+0+8 (16) 0+1+1+5 (24) 2+0+0+4 (32) 2+1+1+1 (40) 4+0+0+0

Adding each individual digit in the 4 digit pairing reveals the same pattern of  8,7,6,5,4

(08) 00+08 (16) 01+15 (24) 20+04 (32) 21+11 (40) 40+00

Splitting the four digit number in between the multiples of 8 into two double digits and œ adding them up equals the multiple of 8 before it.

(08) 1A[00] 1B[08] (16) 2A[01] 2B[15] (24) 3A[20] 3B[04] (32) 4A[21] 4B[11] (40) 5A[40] 5B[00]

Taking the 4 digit number, and splitting them up into double digit number groups #A & #B , and then adding the digits up in groups A and B reveals patterns. #A (0,1,2,3,4) #B (8,6,4,2,0)

Minor pattern: 2 digit & 4 digit pairings 2×4 = 8 


UPDATE 4/20/21: I've noticed it can actually be made to loop in an interesting fashion

You can form a seamless loop from it that actually flows with the pattern and the expected mathematical direction by removing the placeholder 0 in the beginning and using the next multiple of 8 (48) to connect the end back to the beginning



48 being the 6th and next expected multiple of 8 in the stand alone number has both digits split between the beginning and the end so while it would not be an instance of a pattern continuing forever, it is a pattern much like a circle where the end is also where its begins. I find the particular way it connects to be pretty interesting beyond the standard of what normally constitutes a loop or a pattern and the inherent properties they're expected to have. However I'm not sure of the best way to communicate it so that will be on hold for now.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Beginning Of Everything / The Reason For Everything

Something I contemplate maybe more than I should is the ultimate question of why and how everything came to be. There are some theories and details I wont include now as I don't want this to be overly long or complicated. Perhaps another time but until then, I present you with the following.

The farthest down I've gotten to was conscious, information and energy (though I suspect energy and information are one in the same).  The way I see it, without conscious awareness nothing could exists since what neither interacts nor is observed is the very definition of nothing. (I count any interaction as awareness even 2 particles colliding as existence itself is aware of their mass and enforces it to the rules of physics)

At the same time consciousness without information present to be conscious of cannot be conscious (of anything). Though information I believe is represented in what is not a new theory, as waves represent double polarity which allows for contrast which is necessary to be able to be conscious of anything  (to tells black from white). I imagine wave polarity got farther and farther apart forming newer larger waves defining new information that formed energies color.

As for how it all began believe it always was because nothing can never be. Nothing would occupy 0 seconds thus the rest of time must be occupied with something. Actually there would be no time as there would be no manner of observing it as something is required for time to have a measure.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Heaven Is Not A Fantasy Land

*no this is not an April Fool's Joke

Heaven is not an alternate dimension or plane of existence, Heaven is simply the sky/clouds and it is referenced throughout the bible poetically and artistically. Understand the sky was a wonder back then as their knowledge of outer space was limited and all the knew was the world (earth). At the time the sky was something that they knew was there yet they could not grasp it (can't grab chunks of blue from the sky and air had no color) In a way like ones soul/consciousness which was present yet could not be grasped and was neither the body as loosing ones arm would not result in someone having less soul.

Heaven is defined in Genesis 1:1-20, I'll bold text the lines relevant to Heaven.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

It is clear that earth begins as some water world. The firmament basically designates the sky. The waters of earth were separated from waters amidst the firmament. They clearly had an understanding of clouds and that they are composed of water. Thus water would have a spiritual significance and lines such as  the son of man coming in the clouds begins to have more meaning.

Water is also necessary for crops to grow for life to drink, and because the process of evaporation would have been a mystery, the source of this life giving water would appear in the sky out of nowhere further giving credibility to its holiness and shines some light onto why you're submerged in water during a baptism and holy water.

Lastly the lights placed in the firmament of heaven clearly indicative of the stars in the sky.

Knowing that heaven is the sky, passages take on a different meaning, so what does Jesus mean by "heaven". Jesus often had indirect methods of explaining complex or deep topics such as when he compares faith to a mustard seed. His use of Heaven is likely no different, and interestingly enough I believe the meaning has been right under our noses.

Jesus came to earth and invested a lot into it, clearly he sought to bring about change and establish something here on earth. We also know that God's Kingdom is to come as in  Revelations 21 "from heaven" down to EARTH. Yet there is no kingdom up in the clouds and the Tower of Babel did not reach God's Kingdom however the languages of man were a cause for confusion.  Heaven is not the sky, another plane of existence or distant kingdom  Heaven is what all the work has or will have been for, heaven is God's Plan, the goal of bringing great change on earth. Ironically I think the meaning is found in a common saying, as one who aspires to bring heaven is truly "reaching for the sky".

Matthew 6:10 says "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Monday, March 8, 2021

We're The Only One That Exists: Existence, Consciousness, Space-time Explained.

Everything comes from the source and is a part of it we are existence that stems from from the root and the root and the branches are still the tree in this case that which is called "God".

We are the exact same being and always have been. We all say we have consciousness but there is only one conscious, and we embody fraction of it like individual tree branches which branches off to grow separately. Yet have always been the one tree for all of time.

When the conscious branches off what separates the 2 conscious beings? Although both are God conscious you do not see yourself as your father, and your reasoning is because were born at different times and do not occupy the same space because your consciousnesses occupy different bodies and thus you are separated by the illusion of  space/time. It is the very space-time physicist talk about, space and time is the void/nothing because these do not actually exist except as a measurement from which we made up. However if one knows that you and your father are the one conscious then you occupy the same space and time because you are one being and the truth is seen, that time and space do not exist.

Existence is said to be made of vibrations. There is a reason, and the reason is .that we are the same being existing everywhere because we are a branch of the one we perceicve this "seperation" as space/time. So from our individual perspective 1 thing does not exists in 2 places at the same time. Yet you are everyone around you but are only experiencing your 1 life, the closest thing we know that can give is the "illusion" of that is if something were to switch between points A and B so fast that we would not perceicve it, basically it would have to " vibrate" to do this. Yet this is the best way to explain it within the bounds of one consciousness.  Yet the God Conscious is one tree and is all its individual branches.

You reincarnate anywhere, anytime after you roll over and "die" and see which younger to see which "I, I am". One could even see it as perfect karmic justice.

You are, We are, All is.  (WWG1WGA)

Enjoy MeYou/Too Pokemon Existence :)

Sunday, February 28, 2021

God (The Creator) is the Creation, Because God Is Self-Created.

God is often described as being almighty/omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent and perhaps also as a spirit and it seems to me there is sufficient information to suggest that God is the very creation and not exactly a detached being but more like the amalgamation of all that is.

It is said we were made in his image meaning that the answer to what God is can be found in us. As far as we know now we are made up of cells, and cells are alive. If we personify your cells and imagine them as microscopic people, then you (the individual) are no different than God to them (within the scope of your body)

After all, the lives of the cells in your body are dependant on you, you are made up of every cell in your body but are not any one cell in your body which means that you are almighty/omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent (within the scale of yourself). When looked at from this scale/perspective we would be like God, which implies just like a person is an amalgamation of his body neither being his body nor separate from it God would be the same. 

Not to mention the word holy is literally derived from whole meaning entire or complete and divine means to be godlike, of God, or or preceding from God. Thus even the words imply that God is literally everything.

Lastly it would simply be the nature of anything self created, that the self creator, the creation that itself created making him and his creation one in the same.

I've found that this image of God has lead to much personal revelation, however I simply wanted to share this for your consideration.

Even when I ponder why I spent all this time writing this for random strangers online, and what compels anyone to care to be heard or (or not) by people I will never know or meet it only makes sense if some part us is aware we are all the same.