Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Beginning Of Everything / The Reason For Everything

Something I contemplate maybe more than I should is the ultimate question of why and how everything came to be. There are some theories and details I wont include now as I don't want this to be overly long or complicated. Perhaps another time but until then, I present you with the following.

The farthest down I've gotten to was conscious, information and energy (though I suspect energy and information are one in the same).  The way I see it, without conscious awareness nothing could exists since what neither interacts nor is observed is the very definition of nothing. (I count any interaction as awareness even 2 particles colliding as existence itself is aware of their mass and enforces it to the rules of physics)

At the same time consciousness without information present to be conscious of cannot be conscious (of anything). Though information I believe is represented in what is not a new theory, as waves represent double polarity which allows for contrast which is necessary to be able to be conscious of anything  (to tells black from white). I imagine wave polarity got farther and farther apart forming newer larger waves defining new information that formed energies color.

As for how it all began believe it always was because nothing can never be. Nothing would occupy 0 seconds thus the rest of time must be occupied with something. Actually there would be no time as there would be no manner of observing it as something is required for time to have a measure.

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