Sunday, December 26, 2021


 Nothing does not exist. But if we were to say for the sake of example that nothing exists, nothing would exist for 0 seconds. Consider that there's still the rest of time left and nothing has existed for 0 seconds and cannot exist any further than that. This leaves only one possibility, something MUST exist. Time does not tick until something exists. 

So now that we know that there must be something you have to consider what is the difference between nothing and something? For something to exist you must have awareness of it. If you were describe the attributes of nothing it is pretty much unobservable and without effects. Thus even if there hypothetically was something if it is unobservable and has no effect on anything then really it's nothing. So we also know that you need awareness for something to exist and to begin to have properties.

Reality is already aware at its most basic form we already know that you need to be aware of something, for something to exist, and this awareness could be extremely basic like the zeros and ones of computer code. 0 & 1 are just two numbers and they represent the most basic form of a change in state. 

And at this point, well things have gotten more complex and they also have not. They are just the same thing to a higher degree. Like every number after 1 is just more 1s all Evolution after this point is just a different combination of the most basic elements of existence. Consciousness would be no different. Consciousness would just be the evolution of this most basic universal awareness that has always been. Just like matter is more complicated forms of previous matter, so has awareness evolved into complex consciousness, because that's what being conscious is really, simply being aware.

What "basic" awareness you might ask? It might be difficult to imagine but, the mathematics and rules of the universe must be self-aware in order to work. A collision between two solid objects must be universally aware that two objects collide because otherwise they would phase through each other. However this awareness is not often thought to be "awareness" because it is physically manifested and we see it as a physical collision, but physical reality is just physics made manifest. In putting the same physics in a computer however, you would see realize that the simulation of these physics reveals that there was in fact an awareness needed for these computations to run. However if you were to go inside the simulation, you would not realize that the physics around you are aware of themselves, and you would simply see them as happening based on physical interactions. Our universe is no different.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

We are all the same being and have lived or will live, each others life.

There are quiet a few things that point to the conclusion that we are all technically the same exact being, in different bodies. That might seem like a ridiculous idea because you are living as yourself now so these other people walking around cannot be you. However we only believe this because a person percieves time in this way because we are living beings and each living thing percieves their own progressing lifetime. However existence itself does not have this limitation, we even know that time travel is possible, time is only a boundary for us.

Consider the popular occult symbol of "The tree of life" (usually Just a giant tree inside a circle). It is not called the tree of lives, it is the singular "life" because life was an emergent property. The tree is a good example because you could think of us (life) as the many branches of the tree. We would each be like a "branch" completely separate from another branch each bearing our own fruits and generally unaffected by the other because if one branch gets cut off it does not matter to the rest of the branches. Yet, while every branch is off doing its own thing, they are all technically the same singular tree. In this case the tree of life is timeless, existing as the entire tree (all of life) but the branches as individuals experience the individual life which requires a lifetime to experience. Though in the end every branch is the same life, we are not actually separate.

However just because different lives are happening at the same time doesn't mean we wont experience those lives. A timeless existence unbound by time means that all of it exists and has already happened within a likely infinite moment. This is pretty difficult to explain however just think about the "moment" you are living now. How small is that moment your living? It is impossible to determine because it is infinitesimal (would get Infinitely smaller), in a sense the infinite moment would be the opposite side of the moment you are experience (it would be a moment infinitely expensive).

So why does this mean we will live every life? Well an infinite existence is like an infinite game. Seen from this unlimited perspective it would be like i gave you a cd that contained the infinite game of existence. However the process of existing is like playing the game. In a video game we see multiple characters performing many different tasks all at once in "real time" just like we observe in life. Consider however, how exactly is theres many different AI's moving around on screen thinking individually, yet you only have 1 console or computer. There is only 1 computer or console and even if you have multiple ones, it all appears on 1 screen, through 1 wire connecting the the 1 tv in which all the many individual AI's get displayed as 1 image. Its an illusion. The reality is, there is only 1 game processing all the characters and every character must be calculated by the same system that processed everything else. The game is the AI, the AI characters just branch out from the game.

Its a difficult thing to wrap our heads around, but there is one more thing to consider from a slightly more religious aspect this time. An Almighty God with power over everything is therefore also everything. In the same way that I have control of every part of my body, but my body is not what I technically am. Thus we could consider ourselves to be be made in the image of God. All being expressed from God it would be no surprise to find God in his creation.

What does this mean in the end? Personally I'd say its the best and worst thing for us. The up/down side is that everything is completely fair and balanced, and perfect karma is a reality. Quite literally, every good/bad thing you have ever done to another is guaranteed to come back to you because you have either lived or will live as the person you've hurt or made happy. All the bad/good in y/our life is in fact, because or y/our actions and the fruits every branch bore from the same tree of life. Holy is taken from the word Whole, Divine contains Divi like Division. Many religions and occult beliefs hint at this same central idea, apart from the tree of life, the ouroboros being another popular symbol. Its an idea that is both compatible and possible scientifically, logically, and religiously. Something to consider.