Monday, July 1, 2024

The Future of Euthanasia

Currently, euthanasia is heavily restricted to mostly terminally ill. There seems to be a moral issue with assisting somebody with suicide, unless they aren't already immediately dying. 

However as soon you consider that man might one day achieve immortality, almost all the arguments for euthanasia break down. It brings into question, how long MUST a human live before it is "OK" not only by legal standards, but by societal judgment standards to die? The hypocrisy of being able to risk ones own life so long as one dies in a way "useful" to society (dying in the line of fire), or generally slowly killing yourself via cigarettes or alcohol, or even risking your life having dangerous hobbies.

Mostly, I think it's fear that holds back legalization of full Euthanasia. The government probably fears that citizens will kill themselves and that might damage their own economy/stability, aside from that people are probably scared of people they know killing themselves. Scared because if it was really so easy for people to have access to euthanasia services we might actually have to start focusing on human happiness instead of productivity, advancement, or economic power.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Time before existence?

There can be no time before existence because time is relative to its existence. Without existence defining time, it has no properties. That which has no properties is nothing, nonexistent.

The non-existent cant exist, there is no time before existence, there is nothing before existence, and nothing cannot exist and never was. There is only everything.