Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Paradox Existence

 Everything can be described in mathematics, but that doesnt mean everything is mathematics...well ultimately it will depend how you look at it. The mathematics appears to be the "programming language" of existence, which we in turn used to create computer, code and videogames.

A video game reality can be very much like our reality, a video game does not look anything like the code that's running in the background just like our reality doesn't look like anything like the math that's going on in the background. Video game code and mathematics are the same thing only that with video game code we were able to create our formulas for our own sub-realities and mathematics is the code already defined in ours (e.g. a² + b² = c²).

Although binary code doesn't have the numbers 2-9 that we use in mathematics, all numbers greater than 0 are a multiple of 1. Although we reason with numbers like 2-9 our brains are still binary. The signals that get sent in our brain are either sent or not sent, either 1 or 0, which represents whether something is or isn't.

This is where the paradox comes in. At the most basic form you have a one and a 0 what is and what is not. It would seem to be the ultimate answer the smallest quantity which we can break something down. But one and zero are just two possibilities for the answer to reality= x. In our reality x equals both 1 and 0 which, yet there is only one reality which is why i said I ultimately we live in a paradox existence.

A paradox is just a logical loop, and you cant solve a logical loop with mathematics, in the same way you'll never define pie and completion. But in video games we use logical loops because the mathematics and variables are in constant change, if the math is solved that's the end. The way we simulate time in a video game is by using a logical loop and a paradox is just a logical loop without time. Which is why x equals both 1 and 0 because it is one or zero at different times, which is basically binary (10110101....etc) and at this point you can see the infinite loop.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

About This Blog

First and foremost, I want to make it clear while i do take whats on here seriously, i generally am lazy when it comes to proof reading. This wouldn't be much of a problem if not for the fact that I write most of this stuff using voice to text on my phone. This can result in some silly errors sometimes that make it through. Sometimes like right now I am also typing it on my phone keyboard which is a slightly more accurate way to do it but also very slow and spell check has also screwed me over in the past.

This blog is really where i just put whatever random thing i thought of or made that could be of some importance. Things written here are simple to read, but in reality they have sometimes taken me a long time to conclude (via logical discourse) . So to me I see it with much more value as it perhaps appears to the outside person. The topics I talk about aren't really something you can go prove in a lab, so I tried to keep some logic in there sensible so that it could be self-evident or pretty much adhered to logic to where there isn't much to doubt.

The reason why I decided to do this blog is because I sometimes will write things and store them in my phone, and while that usually keeps them safe for myself, the thought occurred to me that eventually one day i would die and it would all be lost. I figured it would be a waste and because I also believe that we're pretty much going reincarnate forever, I also thought that on the off chance that in my life next life I am interested in such topics and I decide to search on the internet, that at least there is some small chance that I can find information which I wasted all this time in my previous life figuring out and not have to waste that time again. I suppose thats the purpose humanity as a whole keeps records. I dont usually take care in editing/ presentation much because there are really not many people interested in these types of topics anyway and neither is there much of a business model here. If you found the blog, then you probably one of the few that do...or you're me lol.

I apologize in advance for how confusing some of my articles might be written, again do the voice to text they are written how they are spoken and it doesn't always transfer. I do go back and edit some articles every now and again, for example I did a few edits today (Oct 6. 2023) to some articles for clarity and errors. It's up to you whether you have the patience to read through it, and decrypt any of the confusing parts. Though, if you can understand it I'm sure you will find value if the topic interests you.

As to who I am, I don't know if I want to mention that yet. Though I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to find out, but really there's not much reason to anyway. At the very least you know my name :)

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Greetings from an alternate reality

 In an alternate reality you would be a different person, born under different circumstance, might even look different. As far as you are able to prove you really only know that you exist, and are conscious. Everything else you can't say for certain because you only experience your own existence and the only thing that connects you between the alternate reality version of you would technically be that you are some living entity that experiences, but every other one of your qualities can/would be different.

Incidentally enough I am another person born under different circumstances, probably look different from you too. As far as I know I am only able to prove that I am conscious and everything else I can't say for certain because I only experience my own existence. Everything about our lives is different except for the fact that we both claim to be a living entity that experiences.

You ever consider that you're speaking to your alternate realities?