Saturday, February 12, 2022

Greetings from an alternate reality

 In an alternate reality you would be a different person, born under different circumstance, might even look different. As far as you are able to prove you really only know that you exist, and are conscious. Everything else you can't say for certain because you only experience your own existence and the only thing that connects you between the alternate reality version of you would technically be that you are some living entity that experiences, but every other one of your qualities can/would be different.

Incidentally enough I am another person born under different circumstances, probably look different from you too. As far as I know I am only able to prove that I am conscious and everything else I can't say for certain because I only experience my own existence. Everything about our lives is different except for the fact that we both claim to be a living entity that experiences.

You ever consider that you're speaking to your alternate realities?

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